A downloadable comic

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Extraterrestrial Love is a romance comic with horror themes.

"Annie is utterly in love with her friend Lisa, but can’t help but get cold feet when trying to confess her feelings towards her beloved friend. After a comet hits the cityLisa suddenly changes..."


Extraterrestrial Love was originally made in 2023 for Zineton. The original zine is available for free in the Zineton website. This version is 2nd edition of the zine with fixed layout, corrected typos and general mistakes. In addition this version has extra pages that weren't included in the original zine.


❤ PDF has total of 44 pages including covers and extra pages of process thumbnails, sketches and thoughts on making the comic. The comic itself is 26 pages.  

❤ Note! Contains body horror. Recommended for teens and older audiences.

❤ You can buy the psychical zine on Etsy!


What to expect from the comic:

  • Pining and communication issues
  • Body horror (graphic transformation of physical body/gore)


Buy Now10.00€ EUR or more

In order to download this comic you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of 10.00€ EUR. You will get access to the following files:

Extraterrestrial_Love_Zine.pdf 60 MB
Extraterrestrial_Love_Zine.zip 56 MB

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